Saturday 29 April 2017

Turtle Doves, Med Gull Bonanza & Cuckoo!

Choseley Drying Barns

Choseley Drying Barns
I arrived at Choseley Drying Barns, where three birders were stood outside their cars by the barrier across the concrete. Yellowhammers were present on the concrete, but not much else. I remained in my car. The birders left shortly after I arrived – only minutes after that, I was rewarded with stupendous views of two Turtle Doves, one of which posed beautifully for my camera – best pictures I have ever obtained of Turtle Dove I think!
Yellowhammer at Choseley Drying Barns

Turtle Dove at Choseley Drying Barns

There was a wonderful selection of birds here including: Corn Buntings, lots of Yellowhammers, Chaffinches, Goldfinches, Pied Wagtails, Red-legged and Grey Partridges, Blackbirds, Swallows skimming past, Racing Pigeon, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Magpie, Pheasants, Marsh Harriers x 2 and a Leveret playing around on the concrete, which was fun to watch. I knew Eddie was at Titchwell RSPB, so I phoned him to see what he had seen – a huge number of Med Gulls were present from Island Hide he said!

Titchwell RSPB
A Cetti's Warbler burst into song and a Blackcap was singing, as I walked along the main path to join Eddie M. and Sue B. in Island Hide. Eddie had counted 101 Mediterranean Gulls at the back of the scrape – some of them were sitting on the fence posts, but the majority were behind the fence line!!! I can't recall ever seeing that many in one spot – it was fabulous to see, it really was.

On the way back, we heard a Cuckoo calling – my first this Spring. Sue heard little bursts of reeling from a Grasshopper Warbler, but Eddie and I couldn't hear it, however long we stood and listened! We tried to locate the Cuckoo, which was calling from the Fen Trail, but failed to see it.

Called in to see mother briefly on the way back and then headed home. I'm looking forward to going to Cley tomorrow. I can't remember the last time I visited! I asked mother if she would like to join me tomorrow, but she said she couldn't leave the cat that long!

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