Wednesday 17 May 2017

Running in the Rain!

I felt exhausted this morning and didn't get out of bed until after lunch, shameful! But I obviously needed the sleep – body preparing itself for hardcore birding at latter end of week! As forecast, its been raining ALL day.

I had to do my 2nd run of my fourth week for Couch to 5k and didn't feel like doing it, but didn't want to give up my training schedule – so, forced myself out of the door and ran in the pouring rain. New hair style now transformed into drown rat look. It was pretty stupid timing, as all the children were walking home from school and I could see their amused faces at seeing this 'old person' running – wait 'til they get to my age!

Typed up blog early and still feel sleepy. I'm now going to cook a proper meal – something I never have time to do when I'm birding. The weather looks far nicer tomorrow, but still not the right conditions for serious rares to drop in. Let's hope I'm wrong!

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