Sunday 11 June 2017

A Special Place – East Bank Cley NWT!

Sunset, end of the East Bank at Cley NWT

It hasn't been a 'normal' weekend at all – in fact it hasn't been a normal couple of weeks either. I can't recall the last time if ever, my family have been for a pub lunch together – it was so nice sitting by the River Wensum at Sculthorpe yesterday and spending quality time with my sisters and mother.

Today I had to sort some jobs out that were way overdue and then had to go on a long journey to deliver something. I then headed north to the coast and ended up at Cley! Parked in the East Bank car park and had the entire place to myself. I walked out to the beach and had wonderful views of birds on 'The Serpentine' and 'Arnold's Marsh', including a pair of Redshank with three fluffy young, Tufted Ducks, good numbers of Shelduck and Avocets, Pied Wagtails, Greylag Geese, Mallards, Little Egrets, Little Grebes, Lapwings, Black-tailed Godwits, Black-headed Gulls and Sandwich and Common Terns graced the skies. Swifts and Swallows skimmed over my head in the wind and flocks of Starlings headed west over the East Bank. One Marsh Harrier over the reedbeds and Sedge Warblers singing in the fading light. A pair of Mallards were supervising their young in the pool by the car park – these fluffy chicks were speeding around the pool catching flies and were very entertaining to watch!
It was chilly by the sea, but so beautiful as the sun was setting – I spent a while here sitting on the shingle, thinking and watching Little Terns and Sandwich Terns flying west over the breakers. My parents met on the East Bank, so this is a special place for me.

Sunset, end of the East Bank at Cley NWT

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