Saturday 10 June 2017

Sculthorpe Mill!

A lovely family day out with my mother and sisters to Sculthorpe Mill for lunch. Sat outside in the garden behind the pub and had a fabulous lunch and dessert. Lovely views of Banded Demoiselles fluttering along the stream. Unusually we didn't see any Grey Wagtails, but did see a Pied Wagtail and a Blackcap was singing – two Kestrels were hovering over the field next to the pub.

I tried to persuade everyone to go to Sculthorpe Moor Nature Reserve, but Mother was feeling tired. Drove back to Holme via Burnham Market and chilled in the shade! Saw a couple of Common Buzzards in the thermals on route back.

Lucy and I saw the Little Owl perched on the low fence at Knight's Hill roundabout at King's Lynn as we drove past at 9.50pm! The same bird (I presume) on the same fence post, as the one I saw recently!

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