Tuesday 25 July 2017

Bruised and Battered!

I will never, never sit down outside again, without thoroughly checking where I am sitting! The pain from my accident on Sunday was worse last night and which ever way I turned in bed, I was uncomfortable, even with ibuprofen and paracetamol. In the end I gave up and feebly made my way downstairs to take more pain relief and managed to get into a slightly more comfortable position on the sofa. It was now 4am. I had no idea, that at this time of the morning, most TV channels seemed to be advertising fitness equipment in order to obtain the perfect body Рdid I really want to be looking at six packs and hollow tummies at this time of the morning? NO! Turned telly off and tried to get to sleep again on sofa. My phone alarm goes off every morning at 7am, 7.10am, 7.15am and 7.27am and all on snooze to irritate the hell of me, to ensure I get out of bed........ I opened my eyes and looked at my phone which said 8am...... "****" needless to say I was late for work! Aside from the frustration that I can not walk fast at the moment, the worst pain is getting in/out of a car Рgetting out of a car after you have been driving for half an hour plus or when you first try to get up from sitting down at home Рit takes your breath away! Oh, I also discovered that a large blue bruise is appearing on my derri̬re, which was to be expected after almost impaling myself Рthank god for the waterproof bag! I'm not a good patient!

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