Saturday 29 July 2017

Family Day & Titchwell RSPB!

Cormorants roosting – Autumn Trail, Titchwell RSPB

Spent the day with my mother and sister Lucy. Took mother to Hunstanton to do some errands, went to Thornham to pick up fish 'n' chips from 'Eric's'. Later in afternoon, took mother and Lucy to Old Hunstanton Flower Festival – mother had been yesterday, but didn't have the energy to walk into the church to see the flower displays, so I took her today. Fed the ducks by the the village pond and then returned to Holme. I left Lucy to spend time alone with mother and I went off to Titchwell RSPB.

The Autumn Trail was opened today for the first time this year, so off I went to explore. Heard the Turtle Dove purring in the car park, but couldn't see it. Greenfinches and a young Great Tit were on the feeders. A pair of Mute Swans, Little Grebe, Grey Heron, Mallards, Black-headed Gulls were on Patsy's Reedbed and a Barn Owl perched momentarily on one of the dead trees.

Walked along the East Trail and to the far end of the Autumn Trail and sat on the seat overlooking the freshmarsh. Several Bearded Tits were pinging in the reeds and a Reed Warbler balanced on a reed stem. Tons of waders on the freshmarsh, but poor light from east side. Little Egrets x 2 flew over and a Marsh Harrier was seen. Spent a long time photographing Cormorants coming in to land on the dead trees. Made my way back to the Fen Trail and heard a Cetti's Warbler.

Along the main path it was spitting with rain – gloomy weather now. Sat in Island Hide and watched tons of waders feeding until dusk – a single Common Sandpiper, handful of Dunlin, 1 Little Ringed Plover, several Lapwing, tons of Avocets and Black-tailed Godwits, a good number of Ruff, Redshanks, Shelducks and young, Mallards, Grey Heron, a single Spoonbill, Black-headed Gulls, Herring Gulls, 2 Med. Gulls, Common Terns and Little Egrets.

Returned to Holme and then took Lucy home – pouring with rain as we drove back to King's Lynn.


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