Friday 7 July 2017

Friday Night Update!

Stopped to assist in an accident today along the Lynn Road, B1145, by the C of E School at Gayton, whilst on my way to see a patient in community. A young lad had fallen off his bike and had two grazed knees and he was in a bit of a state of shock and very upset – the blood looked worse than it probably was. I pulled the car over and walked back to find two adults supporting him either side, but he was still standing, so I took control a bit and got him to sit down on his rucksack in a shady spot and got him to breath in and out deeply to calm him down – he followed my instructions and immediately calmed down a bit. A lady from the school arrived with a first aid box and took over – I'm sure he will be ok in a few days time. Good job he was wearing a cycle helmet! This is the second time this week I have assisted in incidents. Cilla and I helped someone that was potentially going to collapse outside the QEH earlier this week!

Its been sooooo hot today. After doing the laborious weekly shop and returning home – I flung open all the windows in the house to let some of the heat escape. Within half an hour of doing this, a very selfish neighbour lit a big bonfire – all the smoke billowed in my direction! Of course the smoke won't affect his house at all! Had to shut all my windows, not happy! Why did he light a bonfire on the hottest evening so far?! Utterly selfish!

So, the Amur Falcon has departed Cornwall – I wonder if it will pop into Norfolk on route?!!!

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