Wednesday 12 July 2017

Titchwell RSPB – Hundreds of Birds!!!

Island Hide, Titchwell RSPB

Both mother and I have been very low in mood lately and both stressed with a number of issues, so I decided we needed to go out for the evening. So after work, I whizzed over to Holme, picked mother up and we spent the evening at Titchwell RSPB. After rain all day yesterday, it was nice to see the sun out again and it was a beautiful evening.

We watched and listened to a Turtle Dove purring in the car park. Chatted to a lovely couple who had been photographing some Blackcaps in the scrub, but we didn't see any. A couple of Greenfinches were perched in an elder along with a Hedgesparrow and there were lots of Swifts overhead.
Avocet at Titchwell RSPB

Headed along the main path to Island Hide. Mother has not walked this far for a very long time and nearly didn't make it – we got there in the end though! I have never seen so many birds from this hide – it was an incredible sight! Hundreds of birds in stunning light – there was so many, that I didn't have time to look at every bird, as mother got chilly and wanted to go home. There were hundreds of Avocets, loads of Black-tailed Godwits, several Ruff, Spotted Redshanks, several Redshanks, 6 Spoonbills, Little Egrets, Heron, found the Garganey asleep, Teal, several Med Gulls, loads of Black-headed Gulls + teenagers, Little Gulls x 2, Herring Gulls, Common Terns, Sandwich Tern, Shelducks with young, Lapwings, 1 Greenshank, Little Ringed Plover, Marsh Harrier, 33 Dunlins, Reed Bunting, Reed Warbler. There were some Cinnabar Caterpillars on Ragwort alongside the path on route to the hide and lots of friendly mosquito's on the way back!
Sunset looking west towards Thornham


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