Wednesday 13 September 2017

A Gremlin In The Rankings!

Well, there are some very odd and strange things going on indeed (as I said in yesterday's post). My views each day on my blog are increasing and yet my Fatbirder Widget/rankings is saying the opposite! Since last Friday morning I lost my No.10 place, where I have been for a good few weeks and dramatically fell to No.19 in a few hours. This has never happened before and this continued until I dropped to No.29 this morning and now to No.40.

I'm not too bothered as my stats on my blog say the opposite – nothing has changed at all on my Blogger stats and I have the same amount of readers/views as I normally do. Now, after much conversing with Bo Beolens (poor man!) I think Bo is possibly getting to the bottom of it..... apparently my Birding Top 1000 Widget is not registering the correct number of views, because a code in incorrect. But the strange thing is, that I have input the code correctly, but when you hover over the widget (live view), the code reads differently and has 'googleusercontent' added to it. Bo said that this might be why its not registering all the actual views I get. There is a way of removing this, but he doesn't know how and has advised me to contact Blogger help, which I have done – currently waiting for assistance! So, it looks like Blogger has changed something last week, to make this happen, but I don't know what exactly yet!

Huge thanks to Bo Beolens for trying to work out what is going on!

Any computer geeks out there to help me find out what is going on? If there is, please me email at – THANKS!

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