Sunday 24 September 2017

Fat Birder Web Stats & Blog Issues Sorted!

Since 8th September there had been an issue with my link to the Fat Birder Website, my ranking is normally at around No.10 in the "Birding Top 1000" websites! For some unknown reason the F.B website was not recognising my actual daily views, so I dropped like a stone in their rankings to as far as 97! BUT in reality I didn't, my Stats for my blog remained the same.

Both Bo Beolens who runs Fat Birder and a man called Simon on the Blogger Help Forums have spent a huge amount of their time, trying to work out what was going on and I would like to thank them both enormously for the time they have put in to assist me. Simon finally nailed it and discovered that in my Settings on Blogger I had https: switched to 'yes' when it should have said 'no' – it was as simple as that! Since changing this I have steadily climbed up the rankings again – not quite made it my usual No. 10 slot, but not far off!

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