Friday 22 September 2017


Re my post on the 11th September "The Most Exciting News Ever"

Ok so maybe this title was a little over the top, but to me is does feel like the most exciting news ever! My Hot news is, that I'm going AWAY on a proper holiday for the first time since May 2010!!! I'm so excited I don't know where to begin!!! I'm booked to go on an rare bird finding tour on Shetland with ORIOLE BIRDING! Norfolk birder and Tour Leader Ashley Saunders will be leading the group, leaving on 8th October and returning on 20th October. It includes time on south Shetland and on Unst!!! I still can't believe I'm going, it hasn't quite sunk in yet. Now you know, why I have been buying loads of new gear!

When I return on the 20th October, I still have another week's holiday (booked three weeks in all this Autumn) for birding in Norfolk!!! Will I get to see my first Siberian Rubythroat? Shetland or Norfolk, I don't mind which! That would be an incredible end to a utterly crap beginning of the year!

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