Saturday 7 October 2017

Spring Cleaning, Packing, Visiting, Shopping!

My house has never looked so tidy – I have been cleaning all day. I had a major sort out and filled black and green bins. I have 10 huge bags for Shetland (only joking Ashley!😉). Emails now working, thanks to John Furse and Eddie Myers for clarifying that sent emails are in fact sending!

Went to Sainsburys and then visited mother for a short while this evening and delivered newspapers, biscuits, chocolate and bread. The cat was skittish and was flying round the house – possibly due to the full moon!?

I'm so excited – I don't think I will sleep tonight!!! Excited about going away, seeing new places, new birds, wearing my new wellies, new boots, meeting new people, someone else cooking for me, having a little tipple and finding a male Siberian Rubythroat!!!

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