Monday 23 October 2017

Wells Woods & Garden Drove, Warham!

I spent a long time skulking around Wells Woods – creeping along all the paths, looking for an Olive-backed Pipit or something equally exciting, but it wasn't to be! However, there were a good number of Blackbirds around, along with Robins, a couple of Goldcrests, Coal, Great, Blue and Long-tailed Tits and Jays were seen. The car park was pretty packed out, I had no idea that my third week off was half-term – there were far more children and dogs than birds here!

Garden Drove was incredibly disappointing, I didn't see a single bird along the track or the copse at the bottom. A flock of finches were in the hedge that runs west from the concrete area, including several Goldfinches, but nothing else of note at all. Gave up and drove home.

After cooking an early tea, I spent the rest of my time sorting through my Shetland pictures – its going to take a while to select and edit them, but will get them all done this week. I'm very glad I went to Shetland, at least I've seen some good birds this Autumn! Norfolk isn't doing very well so far!

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