Monday, 20 November 2017

Course in Derby!

Left the Premier Inn early morning – no ice to scrape off the car this morning! I arrived at the London Road Community Hospital in Derby at just after 8am. Started my day with a fabulous NHS breakfast for £2.99 and a nice cup of tea in a very relaxed canteen. My course started at 9am – "Posture and Balance in Relation to the Lower Limbs for Assistants".

More on that tomorrow........

Left Derby at 4.50pm this evening. It was quite daunting driving through the city and beyond in the evening traffic – grid locked is an understatement! I consider myself a good driver and have only ever had silly car park accidents in first gear, but my journey home was not my best at all. I had two near incidents, the first one was not understanding the sat nav information and realising that I should have been in the far left hand lane to get into a slip road and nearly ended up on the M1 – not where I wanted to be heading! As I got into the slip road at the last second, a massive lorry who had been driving up my backside anyway, nearly went into the back of me. Later in the journey I was on a dual carriage way and the sat nav instructed me to get into the right hand lane to turn right on the next roundabout, but the right hand lane was heavily congested and no one would let me in! So I had no choice but to stay in the left hand lane (arrowed for first exit only) and go round the roundabout – as I passed the first exit a 'white man van' nearly went into the back of me, as they presumably thought I was turning off on the first exit. Thinking about this, I didn't do anything majorly wrong – both the lorry driver and the van driver were both too close to me in the first place!!! My worst driving trip to date though!

Arrived back in King's Lynn at 7.50pm in one piece thank goodness. The journey to work in the morning will seem so simple! Absolutely exhausted, good night!

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