Saturday 4 November 2017

Pied Wagtail Roost!

As I was leaving work this evening, one of my colleagues excitedly rushed over to my car to tell me that the Pied Wagtails have returned to roost in the same courtyard garden as they did last winter! Thanks Lily! I parked the car up again and went to have a look. It was so nice to see them all flitting about in the same shrubs/hedge as last year. They managed to put up with their roost spot being drastically trimmed by the hospital gardening team last winter and I'm so glad its not put them off returning. There were probably around 30+ when I peered through the windows into the garden, but obviously there could have been many more that had already found their roosting spot and were not going to appear again until morning! This will give some of us some lovely entertainment when we finish work in the evenings, even though it will mean a little detour around the hospital.

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