Sunday 24 December 2017

Christmas Eve!

I've been cooking all day! I was up very early cooking a Christmas Cake for my mother. Then I made my second ever Tiramisu topped with grated Bournville chocolate and nuts. I spent a long time making two Lentil Roasts with a maple syrup, Balsamic Vinigar and tomato sauce glaze. Then I made proper vege gravy ready for tomorrow's lunch. Later on, I made brandy icing and decorated the cake and adorned with fake holly and other decorations – I was really pleased with my finished cake. My hands are so sore from washing up all day.

Went into Tescos to buy a lovely bouquet for my mother tomorrow. I'm head chef tomorrow and my guests are Mother and Lucy, oh and of course the cat! Sadly there was no time for birding today, but I will be definitely out birding on Boxing Day!

This evening, John Furse emailed me an absolutely brilliant Christmas Carol sung my himself. It was an adaption of 'We three kings of orient are....' It was pure genius! I was in stitches!😂
Christmas bouquet for mother from all her daughters

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