Saturday 23 December 2017

Family Gathering!

My Victoria Sandwich!

I was up very early this morning, making a loaf of wholemeal bread and a Victoria Sandwich (Mary Berry recipe). I then picked Lucy up and we joined Vivien and Ray at Holme with mother for a pre Christmas lunch! Ray had made a fabulous Carrot and Coriander soup and warmed some rolls up in the oven. My mother had made one of her scrumptious trifles, which was topped with clotted cream and flakes of chocolate and my cake was eaten after that! The hours quickly disappeared today. Ray and Vivien had to leave just after 3pm, as they were out to dinner with friends this evening. Presents were exchanged and then later on, Lucy and I watched Crocodile Dundee, which was one of my father's favourite films. Lucy and I reminisced over this and decided that maybe father saw himself as a 'Crocodile Dundee', with his hat and shorts he used to wear at Holme Bird Observatory!
Mother's Trifle with Clotted Cream and Flaky Bar topping!

On Christmas Eve I'm making a fruit cake for mother, a lentil roast and a tiramisu for Christmas Day. I will hopefully get out to do some birding too. Christmas Day will be spent with mother and Lucy (Ray & Vivien will be in Ely). Boxing day I will be birding all day, if its not lashing down with rain that is!

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