Saturday 2 December 2017

Weekend Update!

Work and life has been incredibly busy and I've hardly had the energy to do anything else. This has resulted in being behind with lots of important jobs. I was really looking forward to an entire free and happy weekend, but so far its been horrific. Last night I had to endure an awful experience, which hopefully will never happen again – can't really say much more than that at the moment. But this incident has kicked me into action, with what I need to do next, again can't say what yet. Because of last night, I felt so traumatised and low, I didn't even want to get out of bed, but I had to do an important errand for my mother. Spent the evening with mother, the cat and Tiramisu! Then, this evening I heard that a very close friend is very unwell, whom I need to see tomorrow now. Vivien's partner also had a minor accident this evening. Life certainly pushes your mental state to the limit! I'll be glad when this year is over!

I note that a Desert Wheatear has been around for the last three days! The majority of us thought the Autumn migration in Norfolk was non-existent..... maybe that wasn't the case, maybe there were loads of suppressed rares and megas, that we didn't know about!!!?

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