Sunday 7 January 2018

Choseley and Titchwell RSPB!

I had an entire night of no sleep, due to pain (long story), so didn't get out very early, which I was really sad about as it was a beautiful day for birding and photography. Waxham and Cromer are not round the corner from me, but that is where I was heading today. There are some nice pictures of the Hume's Warbler at Waxham here, here and here.

Took some of my homemade lentil and vegetable soup to my mother for her lunch. Dug in the Christmas tree in the garden as a perch for birds (until it dies) – a Blackbird and Robin dived in to feast on disturbed worms, within seconds of me going into the house.

Big flock of Goldfinches at Choseley Barns this afternoon, but no luck with any Redpolls – a Kestrel was perched on telegraph wires as I left.

I had a massive count of 26 Marsh Harriers in the roost this evening at Titchwell RSPB, which I was very pleased with. However, I see that another birder counted 42 this evening! Also had close views of 2 Barn Owls and a Cetti's Warbler was singing by Patsy's Pool. It was extremely cold as I returned to my car.

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