Friday 26 January 2018

Friday Night Update!

I'm cream-crackered! The pace of life is insane! After work, I popped into Tescos to pick up a few essentials and felt too exhausted to cook anything or follow my diet and I really fancied some chips. So for a change, I bought a bag of chips from my local chinese take-away – MISTAKE! I returned home and cooked a couple of fried eggs to have with the chips. About an hour later, I experienced the most severe griping pains in my stomach etc......! Food poisoning maybe? I think it must be, to come on that suddenly. I feel really rough. 2018 is pretty pants so far!

I'm supposed to be meeting up with my sisters and mother tomorrow, but I may be having a very lonely birthday!!! Also, only two people have remembered my birthday so far – I have a lovely card from dearest friends Malcolm and Eileen and from my long time friend Christine who lives in Bury St Edmunds and a card from some of my work colleagues. Maybe there will be more cards arriving tomorrow? 😞 Good Night!

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