Sunday 28 January 2018

Great Massingham Churchyard!

 St Mary's Churchyard, Great Massingham

You know that moment, when you arrive on site and someone says 'it was just showing brilliantly, right out in the open, for a good while'. We've all heard it, so many times! So, I waited patiently in the beautiful sunshine for one of the Hawfinches to reappear in the yew trees in the churchyard at Great Massingham, but I was unlucky and didn't even see one, never mind get a picture. Only other birds seen were a Mistle Thrush, Blackbird, Chaffinch, Robin and a Sparrowhawk sped through late afternoon.

Bumped into some blog readers – one of them was a very nice lady called Mo, who lives in Taverham, chatted to an elderly lady I met later who lives in Pott Row and who went to the same school as me in Hunstanton and another man turned up to ask 'are you hot Penny?' to which I replied 'no, I'm Penny'!!! Also bumped into Gary Elton (AW at HBO) which was nice, it was Gary who had found the Hawfinches in the churchyard. There were lots of Snowdrops amongst the gravestones which was lovely to see. Great Massingham is a beautiful village – I looked at houses for sale here when I got home – all way out of my price bracket sadly. Most of Norfolk is out of my price bracket – really don't what to do.
Snowdrops – Spring is on the way!

The fallen tree in my garden was removed yesterday by tree surgeons and all other trees have been removed from both my boundary and other neighbours' boundaries – trees that were sturdy and healthy and didn't need to be cut down. When Spring arrives there are now no trees to view from my kitchen, no buds, no blossom, no nothing, aside from the rest of the distant humongous willow tree that still remains. No Blackbirds, Chiffchaffs or Goldcrests will be flitting around in the trees that lined my garden any more – how sad.

I spent the evening making a Victoria Sandwich for my work colleagues – as is usual when its someone's birthday, we all bring cakes in – the sides of the sponge collapsed a bit, but I'm sure they will still enjoy it!

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