Thursday 11 January 2018

Not a good start to the year!

I'm at home this week and not very well at all. Severe pain struck me on Saturday and even more frustrating is that this pain is at its worst throughout the night. For some weird reason 'it' (what ever it is) doesn't like me lying down – how cruel. This has resulted in me having no proper sleep since the weekend. I don't really want to go into too much detail, but I have been to the doctors twice and spoken to them on the phone, had a blood test etc and am now waiting for an 'urgent' scan. Today I was given a 7 day pain 'patch' to take along with Voltarol and Paracetamol. I'm putting off going to bed, as I know from my current pain (none of the tablets are working) that I'm not going to be able to sleep again. I might take myself to A&E this morning!

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