Thursday 11 January 2018

Spaced Out!

I slept last night for the first time since all my pain started. The pain patch I was given had kicked in, but the downside is that I could have slept all day and feel totally spaced out! To be honest I have been asleep most of the day. Throughout all of this going on, I have managed to stick to my Carol Vorderman diet!

My mother very bravely went to Eileen Buxton's funeral today. Eileen and her husband Geoff (who passed away a good few years ago) were NOA members from the 'good old days'. A few of you may remember Eileen – she worked extremely hard, making lots of craft type gifts and donated them to the NOA for my father to sell at Holme Bird Observatory. I can remember her clearly, she had a lovely smile and was always laughing. I know its sounds selfish, but I simply couldn't have gone – its far too soon to go to the Mintlyn Crematorium where my father was cremated, I'd have been a mess. My mother is tougher than me! Sophie Barker very kindly took her to the funeral. Rest in peace dear Eileen x

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