Friday 9 February 2018


Happy Birthday to My Dearest Mother

Spent the evening with mother – we had fish 'n' chips for tea, which was mother's request. Mother had some lovely presents including: perfume, chocolates and books from Vivien, a lovely cast iron bird bath from Ray, lambswool socks x 6, chocolates and cake from me, books, chocolates, scarf, cardigan and more from Lucy! Some nice birthday cards from Malcolm & Eileen, Helen who lives a few doors away and a couple of distant relatives – thank you all.

Spending the evening with mother mean't that Lucy had to get a taxi to her rehearsal, but after leaving mother's at 9am, I picked Lucy up later on at 10pm and took her home. Back at my house at 10.30pm and now cream-crackered after working 6 days as well! Busy day tomorrow as its Lucy's 50th! Expensive time for Vivien and I!

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