Friday 23 February 2018

In Memory Of My Dearest Father

 Ornithologist, Naturalist, Photographer, Author,
Founder and first Warden of Holme Bird Observatory and NOA
Dearly loved husband of Margaret
Dearest father of Penny, Lucy and Vivien
We miss you so much, forever in our hearts 💔

2nd November 1926 — 23rd February 2017

At 7.10am, a year ago today, I received a phone call from Summerville Care Home that you had died. I can't believe a year has passed, its seems like only six months ago, the pain of losing you is still raw. I will never forget that moment of complete shock, disbelief and utter sadness that you had passed away and that you were alone, without any of us with you – that really hurt. I felt as though my world had ended, how could I possibly go on without you? The deep sadness we suffered of losing you was immense – the funeral on the 20th March was the most difficult day of my entire life and the scattering of your ashes on the 4th May was equally difficult – but somehow we got through and we are all still here, your wife Margaret and your three daughters. I think about you every day – a lifetime of happy and treasured memories. Your love has given me the strength to get through each day, each week, each month and now a year has passed, but you will never fade from my heart. I hate the saying 'life goes on', but it does, but never without you – always with you, in our thoughts daily, in our souls, our hearts – forever, until we meet again.

The Lark Ascending
(Romance for Violin and Orchestra)
Ralph Vaughan Williams

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