Wednesday 28 February 2018

Winter Wonderland!

On route back from work this evening
King's Lynn

I woke up to a winter wonderland and knew I would be walking to work! The snow was approximately 4 to 5" deep and deeper than this in drifts. There was no way I was even going to attempt to get my car off my sloped drive, backing out close to other cars and then attempting to drive down the big hill near me – it just wasn't worth the risk. So got my wellies on, warm coat, overtrousers, hat and gloves and walked to work. I wanted to take some pictures on route, but I couldn't face taking my gloves off to take some snaps with the iphone!

Arriving at work, most of my team did geventually get in, apart from a couple of people who live out in the wilds and were completely and utterly stuck!

Phoned mother at lunchtime and was amazed that Sainsbury's had delivered her food shopping! The delivery driver said he 'nearly turned back' – so huge thanks to him and Sainsbury's for their excellent service.

I had a beautiful walk home this evening and to my surprise saw a Woodcock, a Pheasant and two Muntjack Deer all at the same time along the cycle path!!! Never seen a Woodcock in King's Lynn before!

More snow and 40mph east winds tomorrow, resulting in temperature feeling like -12°!!! Great!

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