Tuesday 13 March 2018

North Wootton Marshes!

North Wootton Marshes

After I finished work, I decided to cruise around North Wootton Marshes in search of the Snowy Owl, which hasn't been seen in our county since Sunday. The network of roads is vast, but I covered every road I could drive down and had a decent haul of birds for an hour before dark! This is my first time out birding after work this year, oh that is apart from the mad Friday night dash for my first sighting of the Snowy Owl on Scolt Head Island!

I managed to see a Marsh Harrier, Common Buzzards x 2, Barn Owl, Pied Wagtails x 3 sitting on telegraph wires, Blackbirds, Yellowhammer, Chaffinch, Hedge Sparrow, Grey Partridges, Red-legged Partridges, Mute Swans x 4, Coots, Moorhens, Black-headed Gulls and also good numbers of Hares. Bumped into one other birder, Billy Rand! No sign of a stonking big Snowy Owl, but a lovely sunset. A Snowy Owl has been reported in North Yorkshire this evening! Is this our owl I wonder?!


  1. Beautiful picture. Mum and I thought the same about the Yorkshire snowy owl. We were hoping she would hang around longer only saw her from Thornham harbour.

    1. Always time for another Snowy Owl to appear Julie!
