Thursday 1 March 2018



More bird tips for the extreme cold weather: after knocking out the ice of the bird drinking bowls/ponds, pour some boiling hot water from the kettle to make the drinking temperature tepid, much nicer than drinking freezing water! Also nicer for bathing, which all birds do as part of their daily wash 'n' brush up, just as we do!

Walked to work again today. No more snow overnight, but severe and treacherous ice, along with strong, cruel, bitter east winds and grey skies – no sunny scenery today! I had a cracking sighting of an unusual bird along the cycle path on the way home this evening. The entire path and surrounding landscape was covered in snow, but approximately 50 yards up ahead was a small patch of grass and water running (from a pipe I think) and as I got closer, I flushed a Snipe! Again, as yesterday with my Woodcock sighting, I have never seen a Snipe here – obviously it was the only water source it could find. Also saw a Muntjac and a Sparrowhawk dived through, alarming several Blackbirds. Wonder what I will find tomorrow?!

Still too icy to get my car out of the drive. Other neighbours have obviously been out and about, but I just don't want to risk it until I absolutely have to. My house is the coldest I have ever felt since I have lived here and that's with my gas central heating on! The wind is howling round the house as I write this. Mother cracked her resin pedestal bird bath today, whilst trying to knock out the solid block of ice. Lucy's concert rehearsal has been cancelled tomorrow night, which I expected and secretly pleased about, as this means I don't have to take her and pick her up in this awful weather!

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