Saturday 21 April 2018

Snettisham Coastal Park!

A very difficult time with family stuff and needed to catch up on some jobs this morning, meant I couldn't get out birding until later in the day.

A late evening walk at Snettisham Coastal Park produced a Cuckoo seen and heard, Cetti's Warbler, Sedge Warbler, male Blackcap, Blackbirds, Greenfinches, Goldfinches, Grey Heron and a several Swallows heading west. Lots of dogs off leads, when there are several notices saying "All dogs must be on a lead" – surprise, surprise. Sat on the beach watching the sun set and spent some time here, thinking about past, present and future! The skies darkened and it started to spit with rain and a rainbow appeared. Beautiful light as I walked back to my car. Out birding very early tomorrow.

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