Sunday 29 April 2018

Sunday Therapy!

Weather dire all weekend and back to winter temperatures! Spent yesterday with my mother. Huge thanks to my neighbour Richard and his father for replacing my broken fence panel this afternoon, which was very kind of them indeed and much appreciated.

I didn't feel like driving far, so went to Ken Hill Wood at Snettisham. I have never walked around here before, which is awful really being as its only just down the road. It was a beautiful, but very muddy walk with lots of very mature trees and it rained throughout my walk. Lovely views across to The Wash and Snettisham Coastal Park from the edge of the wood. It looked potentially brilliant for birds, but, I was very disappointed – I only saw two birds, well one actually, a Jay and heard a Chiffchaff!

Spent the rest of the afternoon at Holme after seeing bird news on RBA at 4.17pm of a nice little selection of birds including 2 Pied Flycatchers in the pines that were seen in the 'afternoon' (don't know if this was early pm or later), but after much searching with local birder Phil, we found nothing of note at all! However there were a couple of smart Wheatears on the paddocks on the way back along the Firs Road, which was nice. Strange that there were only 2 Pied Flycatchers in the entire county today – there must have been more!

I stopped near the lighthouse at Hunstanton and from my car watched 2 Robins, 2 Blackbirds and a Wheatear feeding on the muddy area, which has been created for wild flowers (I presume) in the midst of the wide grass verge, by the end of the fenceline just before the 'Sign Post' garden and the lighthouse. Headed home in rain and looming black clouds – sums up my mind right now!

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