Saturday 28 July 2018

Another Day With Mother

Vivien returned to Ely and I arrived at Holme at 8.50am to care for mother. Horrible day – mother being sick over and over again, stomach pains, hardly ate a thing, getting extremely weak, can't turn over in bed and off balance. She let me wash her hair, her but she didn't feel well enough for me to wash her. Spent a while searching for the cheapest site for Tena incontinence pants, which turned out to be Age Concern – you are only allowed two pairs per day from the continence nurse and if you run short, you have to purchase them yourself.

A much cooler day with a mixture of sun, very strong winds and then another storm late afternoon. A male Great Spotted Woodpecker has been feeding on the nut feeder on and off for most of the day which was nice. Such a pity that my mother wasn't well enough to go to the Old Hunstanton Flower Festival – she usually goes every year. Had to discuss some serious things with mother, which made me very upset. A difficult and emotional day.

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