Sunday 15 July 2018

Another Heatwave!

Too hot to move this weekend. Even mother was complaining she was too hot, which she doesn't normally. Watched the world cup final and as predicted France won – what a downpour at the end! District Nurse has been daily to change dressings on mother's leg, which seems to be improving – she started a new blood pressure tablet today as the previous one seemed to make her legs swell more than they should.

The birds have been bathing in our many bird baths – a regular Blackbird favours a silver stainless steel dish and seemed to appreciate me changing it a couple of times to give it the opportunity to bathe in cool water. I have not seen the squirrels much today, which is very good news indeed, but was delighted to watch a hedgehog gobbling up spilt peanuts. There is no grass anywhere, only yellow stubble! We need some rain desperately.

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