Thursday 26 July 2018


It was so hot at work today, I could have cried to be honest! Its not funny at all working in thick non-cotton uniforms, but I was overjoyed to hear that Therapy Assistants can now wear a white polo shirt whilst its hot – thank goodness. You can guess where I went straight after work – I bought three white polo shirts from Sainsbury's and they are currently whizzing round in the washing machine – I think I can safely say they will be dry by the morning!

I know we are all suffering badly, but I feel so sorry for the patients that are immobile in bed on a hot ward – torture! I really don't understand why all wards don't have air conditioning (there are only a few) most are like boiling furnaces in this unprecedented heat. Roll on the thunderstorms!

My mother had a procedure in hospital today and looked dreadful when I saw her at lunchtime. Vivien is currently looking after her at home – I'm now popping over to see if I can help in any way. An exhausting day all round.

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