Wednesday 18 July 2018

Crazy Day!

My mother has had bad toothache since the weekend and last night I had to organise an emergency appointment for her. Very luckily there was one for today!

I had to take emergency leave off work this morning to take mother to a Dental Access Centre in King's Lynn – her appointment was 8.30am and at 9am she had two fillings. We had to get up even earlier than normal to make this appointment. Took mother back to Holme and then returned to King's Lynn to do a half day's work. Working in the community currently, mean't that I did a load more driving and then returned to Holme this evening. I collapsed in the chair for nearly two hours as soon as I walked in the door. Cooked dinner and sorted out the on-line shopping that arrived at 8pm. Topped up the bird feeders, cleaned out the ponds, got a massive load of washing in etc etc.

Yesterday a neighbour had left a jam jar full of sweet peas in the porch for mother, which was extremely kind and much appreciated and today another neighbour popped round with a huge bunch of lavender! Huge thanks to both of them.

Cream crackered! Good night!

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