Monday 23 July 2018

UK Set For Hottest Day of Year As Heatwave Continues!

  • Keep all windows closed 24 hours – why do people think that having the window open 'gives them some air'?! If the air feels boiling when you open a window it needs to be closed! No point in allowing hot air to fill your room – makes things a million times worse!
  • Only open window IF air feels cooler (night time only)
  • Keep all curtains and blinds closed 24 hours
  • Turn all lights out where possible
  • Cover any windows that don't have curtains eg glass front door with a pale coloured sheet or other fabric and tape with duck tape to hold in place.
  • Fill a hot water bottle with cold tap water and put in freezer for 15 minutes!
  • Buy a Cobber Neck Wrap!

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