Tuesday 21 August 2018

Another Busy Day!

Nothing too exciting to report really, just extremely busy organising the funeral, when all Vivien and I really want to do is to curl up into a ball and hibernate! Legal matters this morning and then this afternoon had to go to Hunstanton to sort other stuff and then wrote the Funeral notices for Your Local Paper for Friday 24th and Eastern Daily Press for Saturday 25th August, which also has to be in earlier than normal, as does the Order of Service because of Bank Holiday deadlines! Written the order of service, but picture scanning to do and the Eulogy to write between us etc.

We had a very kind visit from Marilyn F. this evening, who came with a beautiful card and wonderful gift of homemade chocolate and banana muffins! Scrumptious! Thank you so much. She sat chatting with us for a good while, which was very nice of her being as she had only just returned from a holiday. We have had huge support from neighbours with gifts of flowers, hugs and beautiful words and lots of lovely cards from so many people – it is so much appreciated more than you know.

Looking at the 'Norfolk Bird News' from Rare Bird Alert this evening, it all looks very exciting! Looks like Autumn migration has begun!

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