Friday 31 August 2018


I was shocked to hear this very sad news this morning. Peter Melchett was a wonderful man – I met him many times with my father since I was a youngster. Peter was extremely approachable – he had a soft and calming voice – a beautiful nature and was quite simply a lovely person. We often saw him in trousers that were ragged and with old battered wellingtons – I loved the fact that he didn't give a hoot about what he wore, just because he was a 'Lord'! The NOA used to manage the reserve in Holme village that Peter owned, so my father was very much involved with conversing with Peter on a fairly regular basis, as was my mother who very much liked him, as we all did. I have several photos of the JCB's digging out and creating the ponds that are in front of the three hides at this reserve. Years have passed and the NWT now manage the reserve in Holme village.

I was talking to Gary H. only a few days ago, about having a plaque put up in one of the hides at Holme Marsh Reserve NWT in memory of my mother, who spent so much time at this reserve. Gary said he would let Peter know about mother's funeral and discuss the plaque.

I was secretively hoping that Peter would come to mother’s funeral very, very sad. Another wonderful person lost and gone too soon. My sincere condolences to his partner Cassandra and family.

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