Monday 20 August 2018

Meeting with a "Civil Funeral Celebrant"

Today, Lucy, Vivien and I met up with a Civil Funeral Celebrant who is going to conduct (if that is the correct word) our mother's funeral. I am now starting to panic as I forgot it is Bank Holiday next Monday, which means I have to get the Order of Service done, Eulogy written, poem chosen (we have actually found one now – a beautiful poem that our mother wrote for 'Poet's Corner' in the Lynn News), music etc etc done by Friday latest – help!!! I still haven't finished finding pictures yet and when I do, I have to scan them in and all kinds of other little jobs need to be completed!

I was overjoyed this morning to watch a Chiffchaff briefly come to drink from one of mother's drinking pools and seconds later a Goldfinch – there seems to be increased bird action in the garden I noted today.

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