Thursday 2 August 2018

Mother Made It Home!

Vivien and I met up with the lady from Tapping House and another very nice lady from the Hospice Team along with my mother on the ward. Mother decided she wanted to return home whatever the culture results were later on. Lucy, Vivien and I are now all staying at Holme to be with our mother in her last days of life. We will have support from Norfolk Hospice, Virtual Ward and District Nurses.

An ambulance was booked for 3pm and mother made it home! She was sick just as she arrived and she looked completely frazzled. The heat today has been exhausting for everyone. Vivien and I had so many things to achieve before mother returned home – I think we have done pretty well between us all. Mother won't be going upstairs anymore, it was exhausting for her to even take a few steps from the commode to the bed and to the armchair – so a twisty staircase is completely out of the question.

Mother was frightened by the slide sheets and was quite distressed – she got used to them after a few times though! She is drinking lots of icy cold water, had two coffees and two small bowls of ice-cream and crushed raspberries. Vivien and Lucy went and got us all an indian takeaway from Hunstanton and the three enjoyed this with a bottle of sparkling elderflower water. It was weird as it was lovely spending time with both my sisters, but I felt guilty about feeling happy with them – this is far from a happy time in our lives. But, we have peace that our mother is back home where she belongs and gives us a chance to spend time together as a family.

We don't have any night care tonight – mother is going on the commode every half an hour – its going to be busy!

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