Thursday 1 November 2018

Apologies To All Readers Who Have Sent Comments To My Posts!

I have only just noticed that the email link in my settings for comments to my blog has failed since May!!! I wondered why I had not had any comments to posts!!! Normally I get an email link with the comment and then I can choose to publish, delete or spam – I have had none, or so I thought. It was only because a couple of people on Twitter this evening, said they has sent messages on my blog that I started to investigate things! I feel really bad as when I looked into the "comments awaiting moderation" section (deep within settings in the blog), which I never look at, as they are normally emailed, there are loads throughout the last few months, I am SO sorry! I can see there are loads of beautiful support messages when my mother died and am only just reading them now! I have no idea why these links stopped, but I think I have rectified the problem, I will know when the next person posts a comment! Oh dear!

I will go through all comments properly tomorrow and publish/reply, but just looking quickly, there are many spam comments also sent, which link to sex/dodgy websites – thank goodness I have the option to vet comments first, otherwise "Penny's Hot Birding" could be seen in a very different light!!! When I first started this blog, I never used to have to vet comments and happily allowed all comments to be published instantly, but sadly started to receive dodgy/sick links to unsavoury websites, so had no choice but to vet everything first.

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