Monday 10 December 2018

Weekend Update!

Very busy sorting things at our family home in Holme with both my sisters all day on Saturday. My parent's black, french polished bookcase was collected for restoration today. Sold my father's large desk thank goodness. I spent most of Sunday at the house too, visited the tip and the charity shop. Sold a bicycle and a sofa! No more large items in house, so at least we won't have to pay for any house clearance now. Still have two armchairs to sell, but think these will go soon. Cruso Wilkins collecting a few things for auction this week. Also sold the Bannerman Bird Books and The Birds of the Western Palearctic to an ornithologist, so these will be looked after well.

I managed to escape for a short while this afternoon and had planned to see the Red-rumped Swallow at Cley, but after a no news message, I opted for Stiffkey Fen in hope of seeing the Dusky Warbler. I failed, but did 'pish' in a couple of Goldcrests in a large willow. I really miss going birding, can't wait to get back to my 'normal' life!

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