Monday 21 January 2019

Dersingham Bog and The Sandringham Bird Table!

I had a short walk at Dersingham Bog today. Parked up at the Scissor Cross Car park and after going through the gate, I turned right and followed the trail up into the woods and then down into the bog area and back round to the car park. It was a beautiful day and a lovely walk, but I was shocked not to see or hear a single bird. I couldn't quite believe it, but there was nothing at all! I noted that a press photographer was positioned at the car crash site, with camera on tripod ready to catch Prince Philip out along the main road!

Before returning home to do lots of important jobs, I diverted to the Sandringham Bird Tables. I have been here many times and the feeders are often empty I have found, but today was the opposite. A lovely man and his wife were in the middle of topping up all the feeders and said they come here weekly to do this – it must cost them a fortune. It looks like loads of feeders have been added too since I last visited. There were also two water drinking vessels nailed to the birch tree, coconuts and every bird food you could imagine including apples cut up etc! As soon as the man returned to his car to sit and watch with his wife, the birds appeared from all directions. This more than made up for the lack of birds at Dersingham Bog! Birds seen here: at least 6 Robins all feeding together, Dunnocks, Blackbirds, Nuthatch, Great Tits, Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Marsh Tits, Goldcrest, a Black-headed Gull also landed on one of the bird tables! 2 Squirrels and loads of Wood Pigeons. There was so much flitting around from all species, I had a job to photograph anything well. I spent an hour and a half sitting here in my car. It was wonderful entertainment! Huge thanks to the lovely couple for all their work in topping up the feeders.

Went to WW this evening and lost another 2lbs – total loss 8.5lbs in two weeks and got my first half stone award, which was a keyring with my first charm! You get a new charm for every half stone you lose – better than the certificates you used to get!

Over the last few weeks, several Twitter followers have highlighted that the automatic links from my blog posts to Twitter are not working and when you click on the link it says the following: "Dynamic Link not found" and it then says "If you are the developer of this app, ensure that your Dynamic Links domain is correctly configured and that the path component of this URL is valid." Obviously this is extremely annoying to say the least! The links then started to work again and now they are not!!! I have googled to find out what the problem is and it seems that Google are discontinuing the 'shortened' links in Feedburner – many bloggers are fuming and no answers are being given. So to rectify this I will simply type the title of every post and copy the link directly to Twitter – sorted!

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