Sunday 27 January 2019

RSPB 40th Big Garden Birdwatch Results!

A very poor number of birds observed by my sisters and I this morning between 9.50am and 10.50am. Where were the usual Wood Pigeons when you wanted them?!!! Other birds I have seen in the garden this past week have been: Wood Pigeons, Goldcrest, Wren, Chaffinch, House Sparrow, Coal Tit, Song thrush (but first I have seen for ages).

I almost felt embarrassed submitting the list onto the RSPB website, but did so and obviously they will conclude that most of our garden birds have declined massively. When I first moved to King's Lynn, I regularly had Goldfinches, Greenfinches and Song Thrushes in the garden – sadly not any more.

  1. Blackbirds x 3
  2. Robins x 2
  3. Great Tit x 1
  4. Blue Tit x 1
  5. Dunnocks x 2
  6. Starling x 1
  7. Collared Dove x 2

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