Friday 1 February 2019


8th February 2019

This Ornithology and Natural History Auction proved so popular last Autumn that it is now running twice a year!

Lot 58 is an RAR print of Black-tailed Godwits. When I visited the auction rooms back in November 2018, I was shown this picture and was told it was an original and sadly this got several people very excited, including myself. Now the 'picture' has been added to Keys website this week, it now says 'print'! I emailed to ask them why it said 'print' and was told that "Lot 58 was signed in as a water colour from the vendor’s list but on closer inspection was found to be a print. So just to be clear, Lot 58 is a print as per catalogue description." I wonder who has the original? Does anyone know please?

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