Thursday 14 February 2019

Sprained My Left Ankle, Right Wrist, Gashed Left Knee & Grazed My Forehead!

Can't type much as typing with left hand only. Sorted more things at family home. Took some natural history books to Holme Bird Observatory to sell this afternoon. Lovely walk and saw a pair of Stonechat along Thornham Bank and two Barn Owls.

Returned to house. Ripped up old carpets and mats in living room and dragged outside. The last mat I took outside tripped me up and I went smack down onto concrete, hitting my head on a big stone by front gate. It was a massive shock and it took a while to recover from before I moved.

This is the worst fall I can ever recall! Sprained my dodgy left ankle, sprained right wrist, gashed left knee, bump and graze on forehead! Was crying whilst driving home with pain and shouldn't have driven, but no one to help me. Got home and had to carry out first aid myself. Cleaned knee, bandaged and cleaned up forehead. Foot and wrist on ice – very pissed off – ruined my holiday!!!!! Was so looking forward to going out birding ALL day tomorrow.

Pain in ankle and wrist now severe, no crepe bandages in house. No way I could drive now. Now calling a taxi to take me to A&E. Good night!

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