Sunday 17 February 2019

Weekend Update

Its been a miserable end to my holiday. It feels so unfair that I worked so hard with sorting stuff in the family home to then be imprisoned in my house and unable to drive for the last three days. I was so looking forward to going out and enjoying the sunshine. Vivien very kindly came over yesterday and did my shopping for me, so that was a huge help.

Its been incredibly difficult to cope with only my left hand in use – I'm a rubbish patient! All my posts since my accident are taking twice as long to type. I have no idea when I will be able to drive again, meanwhile a very kind colleague is taking me to work tomorrow. I can't see me being able to do too much at work – I certainly can't work with patients as I am and can't even put my hair into a ponytail which is required for work. I can walk almost normally since I sprained my ankle which has surprised me – I hadn't expected my dodgy (was before) left ankle to heal so quickly. My forehead is still very sore to touch. Oh dear!

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