Saturday 23 March 2019

Cley NWT & Salthouse!

Cheese scone in the Visitor Centre, 4 Wheatears on the Eye Field, 3 Hedge Sparrows at Gramborough Hill, no Firecrests at Walsey Hills NOA despite hours of searching – I do believe I was the only person not to see them😢, but 1 or 2 Chiffchaffs seen and heard, also Cetti's Warbler, Goldcrest, Robins, Long-tailed Tits, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Blackbird, Chaffinches, Goldfinches and then Pear and Ginger Cake from Cley Deli to cheer myself up. No Eagle above my head or anywhere remotely close. However, it was nice to bump into several local birders today. Can you tell I don't feel like writing this evening?!!!!

I forgot that I was boiling eggs for sandwiches this evening..... will 60 minutes be long enough?😂

A little bird tells me that I have some big blog fans at Saltholme Nature Reserve – HELLO Saltholme birders!


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