Thursday 14 March 2019

Crowd Fund – Last Day!

The fund for the Parnaby family will be ending today (Thursday), as they have collected far more than they expected, which is brilliant!

It has now reached a huge £24,650!!!! donated lovingly by 821 people!

The lastest update on the site reads the following:

"This fundraiser for the Parnaby Family has raised far more than we had ever imagined it would. We have therefore decided to end this GoFundMe campaign tomorrow (Thursday 14th March).

Thank you so very much to everyone who has donated – the generosity of the public has been phenomenal and the family are very grateful for your support.

So if you would still like to donate before it finishes tomorrow, here is the link once more:

The crowd fund has closed this evening – an incredible £26,460 was raised by 863 people! Thank you to everyone!

I have just noticed on Twitter, that it was mentioned on PMQ!!!

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