Monday 22 April 2019

Bank Holiday Monday Birding!

Started off at Burnham Norton – a long hot walk and no sign of the Purple Heron. Of note, a Peregrine was seen and a Cetti's Warbler was singing.

I returned to 'North Point' just east of Wells and watched 2 Garganey, 1 Wood Sandpiper, 2 Spotted Redshanks, Sparrowhawk, Marsh Harriers and 1 Chiffchaff, along with loads of other birds (same as yesterday). My recently sprained ankle gave way again and I just managed to save it from spraining again, but was now in considerable pain – because of this I decided to stay where I was for most of the day and I also felt exhausted. Had lunch in my deckchair by the car and rested as much as I could. Met Mike B. + wife and saw Mike S. Later on Eddie M. and John F. joined me and also saw Marcus Nash and tour group late afternoon.

Headed west at about 5.30pm and decided to make a last effort before heading home. Spent the rest of the time at Titchwell RSPB. Chiffchaff in the far end of the car park. Walked the East Trail and then along the main bank as far as Island Hide. Common Whitethroat heard, Marsh Harriers, Reed Bunting, usual selection of birds on the freshmarsh but nothing of particular note. Very tired, so short post! Didn't take a single picture on my SLR camera today, nothing was close enough!

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