Thursday 6 June 2019

Hedgehog Update!

I didn't adapt the wire cage to make my feeding station, instead I made the following: Cutting the circle out in the plastic box proved tricky, until I decided to heat up a scapel blade in boiling water and with patience I had created a perfect hole and used duck tape to smooth out any rough edges. I adapted this slightly by putting two house bricks (on top of each other) inside the box, as didn't want any slimline cats sneaking inside! This still allows the hedgehog to walk around the end of the bricks to the feeding bowls.

My hedgehog arrived this evening at 10.15pm, but decided to hoover up mealworms that the starlings had dropped from the bird table and as of yet, I have not seen the hedgehog go into the new feeding station. There have been no feline visitors this evening thank goodness! I sat outside on a chair to watch the hedgehog feeding and drinking from the bird pools – I was very close and it had no idea I was there, or maybe it did?!

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